Updated 25 mar. 2023

Model railroad/accessories links

Contents :

Miscellaneous/private Homepages

Dealers (some online)


Real Railroads


Miscellaneous/private Homepages :  Contents :
Model Train Prices - Compare prices across hundreds of shops
 Global model train prices from 910 shops. Find the best deals for 96505 different model train models.
 The Märklin Spare Parts site  Sparepart list for Märklin
 marklin-users.net ... For Märklin users who like to play with their model trains  Absolute great pages - about everything you wanna know, including reviews

 Allt om Hobbys hemsida

Rutger's page : http://www.hobby.se/Rutger/Rutger.html

 A Swedish hobby magazine, which also holds the  homepage of Rutger Friberg, who wrote some  excellent books regarding Märklin (+digital)
 Erik's Hjelmesider  The homepage of Erik Hjelme, with info and  pictures of his trains
 The European Railway Server  A great source of info on European railways, and  pictures from the real world
 Martin Adler - Märklinist's Dictionary  A Märklin dictionary to translate the difficult  German words to understandable English
 HM's Modelbaan - Model railroad  The homepage of Huib Maaskant. About his layout, but also has tecnical information. All in all, good pages.
 Modellbahn Collectors Homepage  Information and clubs (ETE) in USA
 Dr. König´s Märklin-Digital-Page  A great site with a lot of info about Märklin  Digital
 Animator's railroad  A site with a small, but very nice Z-layout. There  are some nice pictures of the layout during the  creation, and of the finished layout.

 Model railroading Page of Andrea Scorzoni

Or : http://www.modeltreno.it/motorola.html

 The homepage of Andrea Scorzoni. Among other  things it  contains great info regarding the digital  format used  by  Märklin in their digital system.

A MUST SEE for the technical people
 Martin Adler railroad-WWW Links  Model railroad links by Martin Adler
 Axel's Train Homepage  Another great site with info on digital, rettrofitting
 JR Ohm's Model Railroad Home Page  A lot of info about Märklin Digital
 Michael Prieskorn - Maerklin Modeltrain  A lot of info, and some great pictures of the  creation of his layout
 Formula Micro Märklin Digital Page  About homemade devices to control a Märklin  digital layout
 HomePage of Rob Hamerling  A great source on knowledge and a lot of computer  programs to control/diagnose your Märklin/lenz/trix  digital  layout
 Railroad & Co.: Model Railroad Computer Control Software - for DCC and other digital systems  The homepage of Jürgen Freiwald, the creator of  the digital control software "Railroad & Co"
 maerklin bei Feuer's Schuppen Modelleisenbahn An-und Verkauf  An online marketplace for used modelrailroad items
 F unit page  Great pictures and information on the ever popular  American  F-units
 DirecTrain < SITE currently not available  Yet another site regarding Märklin control  software.This one is by Konrad Froitzheim, and his  system runs digital without an interface, it only uses  a booster
 Feldbahnen - Die Signale  About German signals. The site contains animated  signals to show their lighting schemes
 Danish Signaling  About Danish signals
 Signalling Pages Index (sigind)  Contains links to other signal-pages (the site also  contains a railroad dictionary)
 German Railways  A great site with a lot of information, pictures and other stuff, Mainly regarding German Railways ;-)
 Markus' Marklin: AC Heaven  Small site with lots of great pictures of his layout.
 Sean Fanelli's Train Page Great collector - The site has LOTS ! of pictures.
 rail-o-rama contents  Lots of info and pictures, especially on Danish RR
 Homepage of Stephan-Alexander Heyn  Great page with sparepart list and Lok-Tests
 MB Homepage - Hobby/g  Homepage of Mario Binder.-Decoders for Märklin
 Märklin Guide  A comprehensive guide over Märklin components. contains info on : locomotives, Rolling stock, tracks, publications, accessories. There is also a picture- gallery. Made by MML-Member Dale Schultz
 Carsten Ramckes homepage  Yet another MML-Member's homepage.
 Siggi's Page Overview  LOTS of pictures of Siggi's big layout
 Ross Stewart's Marklin Site  Layout Pictures, tips, homemade Märklin electronics
 bogobit - the home  Homepage of Siegfried Grob - deals among other things  with the 66031 Decoder
 Die Eisenbahn Seite  Homepage of Jürgen Schad - about the 609xx decoders
 Märklin (Von Fut's homepage)  Danish Homepage - buy/sell + info
 Florians Eisenbahnseite  A german privatier. Pics , DC to AC converting and more.
 Jun's Gauge 1 page-TOP  Among other things, Great use of whithe LEDs
 telex locos informations  About fitting Telex to older locomotives
 Martins homepage  A litle bit of everything :-)
 Sebastien MARCHANT (Home page)  Creator of the great layout software Railways.
 IG Mikromodell  Great site, about building cars and trucks for ex. the Faller  Car system
 Märklin Digital  Technical Info on Marklin Digital
  Used Secondhand Marklin HO Marklin Z HAG ROCO Märklin HO Märklin spur Z Modellbahn   Online Swapmarket !
  Märklin Project @ Peter Funck

About a computer operated Märklin M track layout  

Good pages - theme : Marklin "Digital for dummies"

 Source Consulting - Model Trains And More Freight Hobbies A collection of Model railroading history - learn about the history and hobby!
 Understanding Model Train Maintenance by Sean Spencer.web  A bit about maintenance.....
(link courtesy of Audrey from enrichingkids.com)
 Seattle and the Great Northern Railway A bit about Seattle and the Great Northern Railway.....
(link courtesy of Sadie and Julie from After School Care Programs)
 All About Electronic Circuits for Kids  Electronic projects for kids
(link courtesy of Ana and Jose)
Electrical Engineering Safety Guide and Glossary of Terms  Electrical Engineering Safety Guide
(link courtesy of James and Marc)

Online Dealers :   Contents :
 Eisenbahntreffpunkt SCHWEICKHARDT GmbH  A German online dealer, with pricelists
 Lok Shop Main/Banner  A german online dealer, great site with full pricelists
 Modellbahnladen Hilden -- Alternative link  A German online dealer
 Modellbahnott's Web Site  An American online dealer ( Bill Ott )
 TPL Home Page Online dealer + the creator of the much praised  computer control software TPL
 Kystbanen  A Great danish dealer
 marklin roco trix fleischmann hag model trains Micro Macro Mundo home-page  An online dealer in USA. Great site with lots of pictures
 Modellzentrum Hildesheim Versandabteilung - Homepage  A German online dealer (page also in English language)
 Togcenter Gentofte  A Danish dealer with good prices
 TOG-DILLEN  Danish dealer
 Samlerbørsen  Danish dealer
 JOSTI-DATA/HOBBY  Danish dealer - also with good prices
 www.trojaner-spielwaren.de/  My favorite Dealer ! (no on-line shopping though)
TrainsAhead American Online dealer, with forums, auctions and tips & Tricks

Manufactures :   Contents :
 Märklin.de   Märklins official site in Germany
 Märklin, Inc. Toy Trains   Märklins official site in the USA
 Roco-Homepage   ROCO official homepage
 Herpa Miniaturmodelle GmbH  Herpa - a great manufacturer of model cars
 Wiking Homepage   Winking - another manufacturer of small modelcars
 Minimotor (faulhaber)   The manufacturer of the Faulhaber engines, which  are found in some Märklin locomotives
 HAG.net Your online source for HAG Model Trains   The homepage of the great quality items from HAG
 Uhlenbrock Elektronik   A manufacturer of model railroad electronics,  including digital control ( Uhlenbrock are the  creator of the very promising INTELLIBOX )
 Artitec Models  Makers of excellent accessories (houses,boats,etc..)
ELECTROTREN. Maquetas Ferroviarias  Makers of both 2 and 3-rail equipment in OK quality.
 Viessmann Modellspielwaren GmbH  Maker of excellent signals and very price-competitive decoders for Märklin. Also makes a lot of other accessories.

Real Railroads :  
 DSB - Danish state railways  The home of the Danish state railways (Danske Stats Baner)
 Deutsche Bahn AG  The homepage of Deutsche Bahn (DB)



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Email :kenneth@pallund.dk