Miscellaneous/private Homepages : | Contents : |
Model Train Prices
- Compare prices across hundreds of shops modeltrainprices.com |
Global model train prices from 910 shops. Find the best deals for 96505 different model train models. |
The Märklin Spare Parts site | Sparepart list for Märklin |
marklin-users.net ... For Märklin users who like to play with their model trains | Absolute great pages - about everything you wanna know, including reviews |
Rutger's page : http://www.hobby.se/Rutger/Rutger.html |
A Swedish hobby magazine, which also holds the homepage of Rutger Friberg, who wrote some excellent books regarding Märklin (+digital) |
Erik's Hjelmesider | The homepage of Erik Hjelme, with info and pictures of his trains |
The European Railway Server | A great source of info on European railways, and pictures from the real world |
Martin Adler - Märklinist's Dictionary | A Märklin dictionary to translate the difficult German words to understandable English |
HM's Modelbaan - Model railroad | The homepage of Huib Maaskant. About his layout, but also has tecnical information. All in all, good pages. |
Modellbahn Collectors Homepage | Information and clubs (ETE) in USA |
Dr. König´s Märklin-Digital-Page | A great site with a lot of info about Märklin Digital |
Animator's railroad | A site with a small, but very nice Z-layout. There are some nice pictures of the layout during the creation, and of the finished layout. |
The homepage of Andrea Scorzoni. Among other things it contains great info regarding the digital format used by Märklin in their digital system. | |
Martin Adler railroad-WWW Links | Model railroad links by Martin Adler |
Axel's Train Homepage | Another great site with info on digital, rettrofitting |
JR Ohm's Model Railroad Home Page | A lot of info about Märklin Digital |
Michael Prieskorn - Maerklin Modeltrain | A lot of info, and some great pictures of the creation of his layout |
Formula Micro Märklin Digital Page | About homemade devices to control a Märklin digital layout |
HomePage of Rob Hamerling | A great source on knowledge and a lot of computer programs to control/diagnose your Märklin/lenz/trix digital layout |
Railroad & Co.: Model Railroad Computer Control Software - for DCC and other digital systems | The homepage of Jürgen Freiwald, the creator of the digital control software "Railroad & Co" |
maerklin bei Feuer's Schuppen Modelleisenbahn An-und Verkauf | An online marketplace for used modelrailroad items |
F unit page | Great pictures and information on the ever popular American F-units |
DirecTrain < SITE currently not available | Yet another site regarding Märklin control software.This one is by Konrad Froitzheim, and his system runs digital without an interface, it only uses a booster |
Feldbahnen - Die Signale | About German signals. The site contains animated signals to show their lighting schemes |
Danish Signaling | About Danish signals |
Signalling Pages Index (sigind) | Contains links to other signal-pages (the site also contains a railroad dictionary) |
German Railways | A great site with a lot of information, pictures and other stuff, Mainly regarding German Railways ;-) |
Markus' Marklin: AC Heaven | Small site with lots of great pictures of his layout. |
Sean Fanelli's Train Page | Great collector - The site has LOTS ! of pictures. |
rail-o-rama contents | Lots of info and pictures, especially on Danish RR |
Homepage of Stephan-Alexander Heyn | Great page with sparepart list and Lok-Tests |
MB Homepage - Hobby/g | Homepage of Mario Binder.-Decoders for Märklin |
Märklin Guide | A comprehensive guide over Märklin components. contains info on : locomotives, Rolling stock, tracks, publications, accessories. There is also a picture- gallery. Made by MML-Member Dale Schultz |
Carsten Ramckes homepage | Yet another MML-Member's homepage. |
Siggi's Page Overview | LOTS of pictures of Siggi's big layout |
Ross Stewart's Marklin Site | Layout Pictures, tips, homemade Märklin electronics |
bogobit - the home | Homepage of Siegfried Grob - deals among other things with the 66031 Decoder |
Die Eisenbahn Seite | Homepage of Jürgen Schad - about the 609xx decoders |
Märklin (Von Fut's homepage) | Danish Homepage - buy/sell + info |
Florians Eisenbahnseite | A german privatier. Pics , DC to AC converting and more. |
Jun's Gauge 1 page-TOP | Among other things, Great use of whithe LEDs |
telex locos informations | About fitting Telex to older locomotives |
Martins homepage | A litle bit of everything :-) |
Sebastien MARCHANT (Home page) | Creator of the great layout software Railways. |
IG Mikromodell | Great site, about building cars and trucks for ex. the Faller Car system |
Märklin Digital | Technical Info on Marklin Digital |
Used Secondhand Marklin HO Marklin Z HAG ROCO Märklin HO Märklin spur Z Modellbahn | Online Swapmarket ! |
Märklin Project @ Peter Funck | About a computer operated Märklin M track layout Good pages - theme : Marklin "Digital for dummies" |
Source Consulting - Model Trains And More Freight Hobbies | A collection of Model railroading history - learn about the history and hobby! |
Understanding Model Train Maintenance by Sean Spencer.web | A bit about maintenance..... (link courtesy of Audrey from enrichingkids.com) |
Seattle and the Great Northern Railway | A bit about Seattle and the Great Northern Railway..... (link courtesy of Sadie and Julie from After School Care Programs) |
All About Electronic Circuits for Kids | Electronic projects for kids (link courtesy of Ana and Jose) |
Electrical Engineering Safety Guide and Glossary of Terms | Electrical Engineering Safety Guide (link courtesy of James and Marc) |
Online Dealers : | Contents : |
Eisenbahntreffpunkt SCHWEICKHARDT GmbH | A German online dealer, with pricelists |
Lok Shop Main/Banner | A german online dealer, great site with full pricelists |
Modellbahnladen Hilden -- Alternative link | A German online dealer |
Modellbahnott's Web Site | An American online dealer ( Bill Ott ) |
TPL Home Page | Online dealer + the creator of the much praised computer control software TPL |
Kystbanen | A Great danish dealer |
marklin roco trix fleischmann hag model trains Micro Macro Mundo home-page | An online dealer in USA. Great site with lots of pictures |
Modellzentrum Hildesheim Versandabteilung - Homepage | A German online dealer (page also in English language) |
Togcenter Gentofte | A Danish dealer with good prices |
TOG-DILLEN | Danish dealer |
Samlerbørsen | Danish dealer |
JOSTI-DATA/HOBBY | Danish dealer - also with good prices |
www.trojaner-spielwaren.de/ | My favorite Dealer ! (no on-line shopping though) |
TrainsAhead | American Online dealer, with forums, auctions and tips & Tricks |
Manufactures : | Contents : |
Märklin.de | Märklins official site in Germany |
Märklin, Inc. Toy Trains | Märklins official site in the USA |
Roco-Homepage | ROCO official homepage |
Herpa Miniaturmodelle GmbH | Herpa - a great manufacturer of model cars |
Wiking Homepage | Winking - another manufacturer of small modelcars |
Minimotor (faulhaber) | The manufacturer of the Faulhaber engines, which are found in some Märklin locomotives |
HAG.net Your online source for HAG Model Trains | The homepage of the great quality items from HAG |
Uhlenbrock Elektronik | A manufacturer of model railroad electronics, including digital control ( Uhlenbrock are the creator of the very promising INTELLIBOX ) |
Artitec Models | Makers of excellent accessories (houses,boats,etc..) |
ELECTROTREN. Maquetas Ferroviarias | Makers of both 2 and 3-rail equipment in OK quality. |
Viessmann Modellspielwaren GmbH | Maker of excellent signals and very price-competitive decoders for Märklin. Also makes a lot of other accessories. |
Real Railroads : | |
DSB - Danish state railways | The home of the Danish state railways (Danske Stats Baner) |
Deutsche Bahn AG | The homepage of Deutsche Bahn (DB) |